This package contains the following addition and patches to minix 2.0.0 for TOSHIBA J-3100 GT. Try them out on your own risk. May 3, 1997 Osamu Ishibashi, M.D., Ph.D. 1. Hard disk driver This particular model has an XT-type hard disk that is assigned to AT hard disk I/O space and thus neither at_wini.c nor xt_wini.c does work. The new driver gt_wini.c drives this proprietary hard disk system and works both in real and protected mode. 2. Hardware expanded memory driver Revised memory.c now drives hardware expanded memory (usually purchased as EMS bank memory; don't confuse with extended memory). The memory can be used as a RAM disk or a block device like a winchester drive. 3. 286 processor shutdown Minix 1.7.X and later has a function to switch back to real mode from 286- protected mode. The kernel shuts down the processor and does the rest of recovery works by jumping into ROM BIOS code. Because of ROM BIOS incompat- ibility, standard minix method (type 0A shutdown) does not work on this model. Revised klib88.s examines type 0A and 09 shutdown on initialization and calls one of the valid routines on demand. 4. Floppy disk driver Original floppy.c has very short head load time (HLT) constant that makes some machines unstable. This value alone was changed. RUNNING STANDARD MINIX ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You need to run standard minix i86 2.0.0 first. It's not a straightforward work to run and install minix on a memory-starved machine. If you have an external floppy drive, prepare a floppy minix system on a PC that is already running minix (make up a single floppy image by integrating ROOT and USR floppy). Run minix on one floppy drive and install by mounting source diskettes on the other drive. If you don't have an external floppy drive, you need such a small floppy minix system (is it "tiny ROOT"?) so that you can load on the RAM disk. I've never tried this. Before installing this package standard minix runs only in real mode. And only BIOS winchester driver drives the hard disk. When you start minix, evoke boot monitor menu and specify the following kernel parameters. processor=86 hd=bios To avoid loading the RAM disk, specify the following parameter as well. roodev=fd0 INSTALLATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Following files will be replaced. Keep your own files elsewhere. /usr/include/minix/com.h /usr/include/minix/config.h /usr/src/kernel/Makefile /usr/src/kernel/floppy.c /usr/src/kernel/klib88.s /usr/src/kernel/memory.c /usr/src/kernel/proto.h /usr/src/kernel/wini.c 2. Put gt-2.0.0.tar.Z on /usr directory and extract the files. In addition to the above, /usr/src/kernel/gt_wini.c will be added. 3. Edit /usr/include/minix/config.h to suit your PC and make kernel as usual. USING GT WINCHESTER DRIVER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ENABLE_GT_WINI in /usr/include/minix/config.h must be set to one. If you have set other ENABLE_XX_WINI symbols to one, set the following kernel parameter. hd=gt USING HARDWARE EXPANDED MEMORY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the boot process, you'll see the message "XXX pages of expanded memory were detected." if the system successfully probed the expanded memory. 1. Expanded memory as a block device is the fifth member of the memory driver. Make an entry by the following; mknod /dev/xpm b 1 4 Kernel parameter "ramsize" reserves the amount used as the RAM disk. Rest of the amount is accessible via /dev/xpm. 2. In order to use the expanded memory like an additional disk drive, you need to mkfs. Becase it's RAM, mkfs every time you bring up the system. I added the following line to /etc/rc. mkfs /dev/xpm 2>/dev/null && mount /dev/xpm /tmp BUG REPORTS AND SUGGESTIONS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I never had any trouble using the drivers in this package, although they have been tested in very limited conditions. Send bug reports and suggestions to me at